A Letter From The Chief Executive

Dear Friend,
Welcome to the Winter 2005 edition of SOS Children's World.
In this edition, we look back at our work over the last year following the tsunami disaster and what we have achieved with your support. Whole communities torn apart by the earthquake will benefit from our long term support through the development and extension of our care for children who lost their parents and families who lost their livelihoods.
Our attention remains with Asia with the after effects of the Kashmir earthquake, where we helped in the immediate aftermath and will continue to provide support. The SOS Children's Village Muzzaffarabad was affected but luckily no children were hurt.
Finally, there are new faces at SOS - we've said goodbye to some people here but have welcomed new faces including Caroline and Chrissy. If you are thinking about an event or doing a crazy challenge get in touch with Caroline (Caroline@soschildren.org) while Chrissy will be supporting our FIFA campaign and helping with WOW. You can see what the first WOW achieved on the WOW- What a week! page. Put next years WOW dates in your diary - 2-8 October 2006 - we're already looking forward to October 2006!
With Best Wishes for the coming year
Andrew Cates