SOS Children In Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe, formerly Rhodesia, is in southern Africa, a landlocked country bordered by Botswana, Zambia, Mozambique and the Republic of South Africa. Successive droughts in the region combined with Zimbabwe's political and economic problems, as well as the prevalence of HIV/AIDS have created a worsening situation for most of Zimbabwe's population, and it is estimated that over 6 million people are at risk of starvation. Close on 2 million people have no access to safe water or sanitation, and there have been increased outbreaks of cholera and other diseases.
The charity built its first community in Zimbabwe in 1983 to help children who had lost their parents in the struggle for independence. The SOS Children's Bindura community is in the Mozowe valley, about 80 km north of the capital of Harare. It has fifteen family houses and seven youth houses, three in the village and four in nearby Chipadzi. The nursery, which offers full day care, together with the well established primary and secondary schools are open to over 1500 children from the neighbourhood.
Close to Bindura is the SOS Maizelands Farm. Covering an area of 1400 hectacres, young people from SOS Children learn modern farming methods here. As well as the cultivation of soy beans, cotton and maize, livestock are reared, providing the communities with food and contributing to its maintenance through the sale of produce. Engineering workshops alongside the farm provide further training opportunities.

In 1989, the charity's Waterfalls site opened in a suburb of Harare. It has fifteen family houses, eight youth houses and two hospice houses for SOS children and staff suffering from AIDS. The nursery and primary school are open to local children.
The charity's Bulawayo community, inthe capital of Matabeleland Province, was built in 1995. It has fifteen family houses and ten youth houses which together are home to 260 children and young people. The SOS nursery and primary school provide for the educational needs of local children as well as the SOS children.
In 2003, SOS Children established community outreach programmes in all three villages in Zimbabwe to support HIV/AIDS affected children and families in their own environment. Providing clothing, food, school fees, medical treatment, housing improvements and counselling, these programmes will help over 5000 children a year.
We are not making any public statements about operation Murambatsvina (clean-up). We have a lot of children and workers in affected areas and are doing our best to help with human hardship caused by the recent actions. We would welcome donations to help with this (please put "Zimbabwe" in the instructions box, and SOS Children UK guarantee to pass on 100% without deductions). We are sending more detailed reports to long standing supporters of our work in Zimbabwe only.
Aids Orphan Projects
See also more information on our Charity's African Aids Orphan projects in Zimbabwe.
Local Contacts

SOS Children in Zimbabwe
SOS Children's Villages Association of Zimbabwe, PO Box HG 766, Mon Repos Building, Highlands, Harare, Zimbabwe
Tel: +263/4746 451 or +263/4746 452
Fax: +263/4746454
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