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- data attribute (<object>)
: The data attribute
- <dd> tag
: The <dd> Tag
- declare attribute (<object>)
: The declare attribute
- definition lists
- Unordered, Ordered, and Definition Lists
- Definition Lists
- The style and class attributes
- delay (see performance)
- document refresh
: The Refresh Header Contents
- loading (see performance)
- marquee movement
: The scrollamount and scrolldelay at...
- <dfn> tags
: The <dfn> Tag
- <dir> tags
- The <dir> Tag
- The style and class attributes
- direction attribute (<marquee>)
: The behavior, direction, and loop a...
- directory lists
- Directory Lists
- The style and class attributes
- disc bullets
: The type attribute
- display property
: The display property
- dithering
: Creating a Potentially Transparent Image
- <div> tags
- Divisions and Paragraphs
- The style and class attributes
- <dl> tags
- Unordered, Ordered, and Definition Lists
- The <dl> Tag
- The style and class attributes
- document automation
- Supporting Document Automation
- The n attribute
- document-level styles
- Document-Level Style Sheets
- The pros and cons of document-level...
- External, document-level, and inline JSS
- documentation
- HTML tag quick reference
- HTML Tag Quick Reference
- <meta> tag for
- The <meta> Header Element
- The charset attribute
- documents
- client-pull
- Client-Pull Documents
- Performance Considerations
- embedding
: Embedding Other Document Types
- HTML (see HTML documents)
- as layers
: The src attribute
- server-push
- Server-Push Documents
- Server-push example application for...
- domains
- Talking the Internet Talk
- URLs
- double quotation mark (see quotation mark)
- downloading delay (see performance)
- <dt> tags
- Unordered, Ordered, and Definition Lists
- The <dt> Tag
- DTD for HTML
- HTML Grammar
- The HTML 3.2 DTD
- HTML Document Elements
- dynamic documents
- Dynamic Documents
- Server-push example application for...
- dynsrc attribute (<img>)
: The dynsrc attribute
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