SOS Children in Central African Republic

Central African Republic is in the heart of Africa. It has some of the highest densities of lowland gorillas and forest elephants in Africa, but despite this tourist potential and abundant water and mineral resources, it is one of the continent's least developed countries and one of the poorest in the region.
Per capita income has decreased steadily over the past twenty years and poverty is widespread with little access for most people to even basic social services. Infant and under-five child mortality rates have increased in recent years, together with maternal mortality, malnutrition and HIV/AIDS prevalence.
The charity began its work in Central African Republic (CAR) in 1992 with the opening of the first SOS Children's community in Bangui at the request of the government.

Bangui, the country's capital on the border with the Democratic Republic of the Congo, is the only city of any size in the CAR with just over half a million inhabitants. The SOS Children's Village is 6 km from the city centre in the western district of Gbangouma between the hills of Gbazabangui and the river Oubangui. A mixed residential area, there are nursery, primary and secondary schools, a market and a hospital all within easy reach of the village.
The community has eleven family houses and five youth houses which together are home to 180 children and young people. A small kitchen garden provides the villages with fresh fruit and vegetables. Attached to the village are a nursery school and a primary school, both of which are open to children from the neighbourhood. An SOS medical centre was set up in 1995 to improve the level of medical care available in the area and now treats over 500 patients every month.
See also Aids Orphan Projects in the Central African Republic, Africa.
Local Contacts

SOS Children in Central African Republic
Villages d’Enfants SOS de République Centrafricaine, BP 1745-Bangui, Central African Republic
Tel +236/61 50 89
Fax +236/61 50 89
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