Child Sponsorship update Bangui

SOS Children Village of Bangui
Today, there are one hundred and ten (110) children in the village; among them we can count:
- 02 children of SOS Children Village are registered for SOS Nursery School
- 71 Children are in SOS Primary School
- 31 are in different schools of the area
- 05 are on technical and vocational training
- 01 child has not yet reached the school age.
Teaching Staff: 18
- Installation of the first stone of SOS Children Village of Bouar December 1st, ,2006 (National holiday Festival) by the head of the state,
- Visite of the Prime Minister on the occasion of the launching the semestrial examination of humanitarian call for the CAR,
- Visit of the Regional Director of SOS Nursery School for Central Africa and West Africa,
- Visit of a Swedish mission related to the construction of SOS Children Village of Bouar,
- Visit of a Swiss mission,
- Launching of the activities of Family Reinforcement Programme with the support of World Funds for the fight against Aids, Malaria and Tuberculosis,
- Provision of all and the familial houses with television sets, DVD player and cookers (stoves)
- Training of all the SOS Children Village Personnel on the children’s Village Manual,
- Training of SOS mothers and aunts on the Convention Related to Children Right (CCR),
- Training of the Social Assistant on education about sexuality and on the legal protection of Orphans and other Vulnerable Children (OVC) in Cotonou (Benin),
- Training of interim Director on the auto evaluation process of SOS Children Village manual in Cotonou,
- Celebration of Christmas tree with the Families of the Village,
- Celebration of the Village Festival,
- Celebration of Mothers’ day,
- Computer training on behalf of 13 children who obtained the best school results,
- Departure of Village Director,
- Retirement of the SOS Children’s Village landscape architect.
- Starting the activities of the SOS Children’s Village of Bouar
- Future transfer of youth in community
- Admission of new children
- Persuing the diffusion and implementation of the Convention Related to Children and SOS Children’s Village manual
- Looking for partners for the construction of the fences of the SOS Children Village of Bangui
- Continue equipping the family houses
- Continue the computer training for the children.
SOS youth Institution
Number of Youngs 75: 16 girls and 59 boys:
High school pupils = 30
Students = 08
Training centre = 07
Field (training) placement = 30
Educational staff: 08
2006 school year results = 03 youngsters have gotten their bachelor’s degree in Management, Finances Banks and Banks Insurances;
11 youngsters gots their vocational training Certificate (VTC) of auto mechanic motor, Electricity Refrigerating, Joinery, Office automation and accounting;
Leaving of five (05) youngsters (1) girl and (4) boys
Participation in the National forum on the promotion of the Centrafrican youth
Training of two trainers on education about sexuality and on the legal protection of the OVC in Cotonou (Benin)
Training of all the trainers on the Manual of the children’s Village
Workshop of thought on the training system within the SOS educational institutions.
Self employment for the young
Opening the first framed habitations for 24 youngsters
Receiving new youngsters coming from the SOS Children Village.
SOS Nursery School
Accommodation capacity of 125 children five (5) educational classes and five (5) preschool educators
56 children (28 boys and 28 girls) have been oriented to the SOS PS including 4 in the (CP) and 54 in CI (104 of the SOS Children Village, 9 SOS grant holders and 41 externals)
Number of children for the school year 2006-2007:
Boys Girls Total
- SOS Children 00 02 02
- SOS Children grant holders 05 08 13
- External children 35 32 67
General total: 40 42 82
Training of all the teachers on the Manual of the children’s village
Workshop of thought on the training system within the SOS educational institutions
Holding of the meetings of the educational committee
Workshop on the C.D.E.
To install a room of psychomotricity
To equip the SOS with computer tools
SOS Primary School
Accommodation capacity: 480 children divided by 40 students in 12 educational rooms with a number of 13 teachers.
Academic results 2005-2006
End of year exam (First year infants class to intermediate class1): Passed: Boys = 200/229; Girls = 149/181 with a success rate of 88,60%
- Primary School Certificate 1: Boys: 35/35; Girls: 27/27 Total = 57 that is to say pass rate = 100%.
- Secondary School: Boys: 30/36; Girls: 22/29 that’s to say pass rate= 80%.
Global success rate for the school: 88,86%
474 children including 71 SOS Children are registered for the school year 2006-2007.
Opening of the SOS Primary School in the afternoons on behalf of 497 children cared for by the programme of family reinforcement
Holding of meetings of the educational committee
Visit of the representative of the FAO in Central Africa
Donation of materials and agricultural seeds by the FAO to SOS Primary School
Workshop of training for teachers and educational trainers on the CDE, HIV/AIDS, citizenship, the Central Africa educational system, SOS educational principles
Training of all the teachers on the handbooks of the children village
Workshop of thought on the training system within the SOS educational institutions
Visit of the Representative of the FAO to the kitchen garden
Visit of a Swedish mission
Visit of a mission of the Swiss Friends Association.
Opening of a computer room at the school
Reinforcing teaching on the CDE at the school
Extension of the teaching of English to all levels of the school.
SOS Medical Center
Reinforcement of the implementation of the programme of the fight against HIV/AIDS
Detecting and advice counselling
Therapeutic and psychosocial caretaking
Prevention of parents to children (PTPC) transmission of HIV
Sensitization through information sessions, education and communication for a change of behaviour.
Part time hiring a physician
Experience exchanger visit of a mission of the French Red-Cross
Exchange visit of a CARITAS team from Bouar
Visit of the SOS Medical Center by the adviser of the Minister of the youth
Recruitment of a new manager at SOS Medical Center
Visit of the SOS Medical Center by the Swedish and Swiss missions
Beginning of the visits at the visits to the homes of the FRP OEV
Supervision mission of the activities of PPTE;
Two sessions of impregnation PPTE at the K-OTHRINE of mosquito nets of the children of the VESOS.
Hiring of a
Reinforcement of the laboratory with materials and reagent of the laboratory
Opening of a service of ambulatory treatment of patients infected by HIV
Research of funding for the acquisition of an ambulance.
Dr. ISSA GADENGA Eloge Armand
National Director of the SOS Projects
Relevant Countries: Central African Republic.