Child sponsorship letter from Malleco
Dear sponsors and friends,
Together with the cordial greetings, we want to send you today a short report on our Village SOS in the year 2006.
In few days the school year 2006 will end and the children will enjoy their longed summer vacation.
We think that it would be interesting to you to know our school system. The Chilean children enter with 5 years a preschool obligatory course so-called Kinder. There they learn many songs and dances, draw and learn the vowels and numbers until 10 but especially they learn the coexistence with other partners and they familiarize themselves with school discipline and responsibility. The basic education has duration of 8 years. Finishing the basic education and depending on their qualifications, the children choose the type of secondary education. Here in Angol the possibilities lay between scientists - humanist, technical, industrial or agricultural high school. All these high schools understand 4 years. In third grade the young people choose one of the specialities that offer every school: secretary, accounting, car mechanics, electrician, helper in pre-school education, technician in computation, catering, third age person’s caretaker, agricultural technician, etc. The classes start at the beginning of March and end in December. The pupils of the basic and secondary education use school uniform. Every year in December the young people interested in studying at a university have to give a special test of admission to the higher education. Those who were not successful in this test have the possibility of studying in Institutes of technical formation or Professional Institutes where they deepen the knowledge acquired in the secondary education or study a different career (of duration between 2-4 years). In this moment we have four youngsters studying at the university (anthropology, design and basic pedagogics) and some others in the different professional institutes of the region: they specialize in construction, secretary handling and risk prevention.
At present, in our SOS Children’s Village Malleco we attend 127 boys and girls aged one year three months to 17 years; 7 young ladies in Feminine Residence, 11 young men in Male Residence and 4 youngsters are in the modality of Assisted Housing as Preparation to the Independent life.
All children that we received lately are in this moment fully integrated to their new families, the biggest of them are assisting to Kindergartens or to school and the smallest enjoy the closeness of their mothers. The small Belén, Rosita and Francisco learned to walk and they are beginning their first conversations. It gives us great happiness to observe in this time especially Belén, who came to the Village in age of six weeks, and in whom a severe dysplasia of both hips was discovered short time later. The treatment was long and at first very painful for her, but after several months, Belén was healthy again and not long ago she started walking without any problem, so nowadays anybody realizes that she spent several months with a reviser device.
To beginning of our spring, in October, we suffered a misfortune and a big fright. Due to an electrical circuit fuse, the fire began one night in the Feminine Residence of our Village where 7 young ladies live. Fortunately, nobody suffered physical damage and thanks to a rapid help of all members of our Village as also of many neighbours from our sector, we could control the fire before the firemen came. The damage in the construction was nevertheless big and during a pair of weeks the girls had to live with their siblings in their former village homes. We are proud to have managed to reconstruct the house with our proper forces: we collected money in a Gastronomic exhibition, in a Dance Dinner and with donations of our friends. Our young men also helped in the repairing of roof, painted the walls and we employed only one professional electrician who did a new electrical installation.
The year came to its end, a very warm summer stands before (the temperatures in January and February come sometimes until 35º and 40º C) and that is the reason why the children gasp days in the country on fresh air and in our swimming pool.
We say goodbye this time, give you our thanks for your permanent help and especially we wish you and your families Merry Christmas and a lot of happiness, health and personal success.
Ramón Torres Cerna
Director SOS Children’s Village Malleco in Angol
Children sponsorship letter from Santiago - Madreselvas
Dear sponsors and friends,
As in past years, during the same season, we want to inform you about our SOS Village Madreselvas in Santiago and what has happened during the year 2006.
At present there live 100 children and youngsters in the 12 families that belong to our Village. There was quite a change during this year 19 children and youngsters started their independent lives. Some of them finished their professional training, others could return to their biological families, that had been able to overcome their difficult situation. At the same time we received 17 new children who got used to their new homes. The families always prepare for receiving their new members. The children are informed that a new brother or sister is arriving, the house is decorated with globes, a bed and toys are waiting for the newcomer and there is a special dinner on this day. Some children arrive very sad, others shy and others very curious about what their new home will be like. Santiago has over 6 million inhabitants, there still is much poverty, alcoholism and drug addiction, that lead the families to mistreatment of their children, lack of care, abuse and abandon. In some cases the families recover and the children can return to them, but in many cases this is not possible.
All the children and youngsters attend different schools at present only 2 of them are at university or a professional institute. 78 boys and girls are attending primary school, 14 high school and 6 kinder- gardens. Now in December 2 young ladies will finish high school and take their university selection exams.
In Chile children have to attend 8 years of primary school and 4 more of high school. These last ones may be scientific-humanistic or technical. Most of the youngsters choose a technical high school that combines normal teaching with a simple professional training during the last 2 years. Institutes and universities are not for free. A rather high inscription and monthly fee must be paid.
For the little ones between 3 and 6 years of age, there exist language schools with government financing, that stimulate the children to speak better and to increase their vocabulary.
We also make use of the helps offered in medical and dental care for our children. We have agreements with the general university hospitals in neurology, psychiatry, odontology and psychology. These specialties are not for free, but the needs of our children and youngsters are attended at a minor cost. The professionals know our children and treat them with tenderness and dedication, so that they may get over their difficulties and recover by and by from their emotional and sometimes physical wounds.
We also have excellent relations with our municipality and participate actively in its social council. They help us in many ways, they for example help us with free transportation to the beach in the summer vacations, they trim our trees, invite us to many events and we cooperate with advices and experiences on the social sector for the poorest sectors of society.
The children receive constant pedagogic support and we foment any cultural or sports activity.
Almost all of the children participate in some activity at their schools, because they have to attend a full horary, that means that they have to attend lessons all morning till 4 o’clock in the afternoon.
Our SOS mothers always want to perfect, in order to attend, in the best form , the needs of the children of whom they are in charge. Four mothers studied during months for obtaining a diploma in education in addition to all their work.
But not all is work and obligations. We enjoyed many happy moments during the year, celebrating and joining in small and big events.
The year started with summer vacations and each family went for a few weeks to a not too far away beach. Everybody stayed in the central zone of our country and the trip to the beach only takes 2 hours.
In March the school started. Then Mother’s Day was celebrated, in June the International SOS Village’s Day, in the July winter vacations everybody went for a day to the snowy Andes mountains. This year there was abundant snow and the children just love it at least for once a year. In August we celebrated Children’s Day, in September the National Holidays, that always brings great joy to young and old, besides it means the beginning of spring.
With so many children festivities and celebrations are always fun. Of course all the children celebrate their birthday with layer cakes, sweets, presents, music and dancing. The older ones sometimes prefer to go out for dinner with their families or to organize a party with their friends.
Now the school term has come to its end, the children take their last exams, there are school excursions and graduation celebrations.
At the same time we are preparing for Christmas. The houses are being decorated, the children help enthusiastically and a Christmas tree and a crib are being put up in every house the first days of December. Besides we always decorate a pine tree in our garden. This pine tree was planted the year our Village was inaugurated, in 1967, and by now is enormous.
In the name of the children, the mothers and the coworkers of our SOS- Village Madreselvas I want to thank to all our sponsors and friends for their help and wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2007.
Gontrán Pelissier M.
Director Madreselvas SOS Village, Santiago
Sponsor letter from Antofagasta

Dear sponsors,
Having passed the first half of this year, we again want to tell you some of our daily life here at our Antofagasta Village.
At present there live 136 children at 14 family houses and at the the 2 Youth Facilities. They are between the ages of 2 and 24. Three of the youngsters are in our program Assisted Living“, meaning that soon they will be finishing their university studies and be able to live independently.
During these last months we could receive 9 new children and on Sunday, June 17th, we officially inaugurated a new house of the Village. Mother Virginia was quite moved to receive the children and for that special day, she prepared a delicious chocolate layer cake, in order to give them a warm welcome. The children, too, amongst them several biological brothers and sisters, are happy to live at a nice and welcoming home.They had known the house before and helped to choose the decoration, the colours, the curtains etc. Their SOS mother was quite moved, because the children called her mamá“ right from the start.
One of these new children is little Bastián, of only 2. At first he was very mistrustful with everyone, was afraid of some adults and would not permit to be fondled. But soon and feeling the love of everybody, he now always wants to be by mamá’s side, missing her when she is not in sight. It calls our attention that this intelligent child, being so young, is very independent and understands everything quite clearly. During the night, when he needs to go to the toilet, he gets up, puts on his slippers alone for not catching a cold, and goes back to bed again, all by himself.
In January, during summer vacations, our youngsters of the folklore group participated in an performance in Arica, organized by the Village of this city and financed by the regional government. It was a very nice experience to mix with children of other parts of the country and besides quite emotive, because it was the fare-well to some youngsters who had belonged to this group for many years, and on this occcasion gave the opportunity to smaller children to feel happy and important.
Children and youngsters go on participating successfully in cultural and sports activities, some at their schools, others at sporting clubs. This year we were quite successful, specially in Judo. Roger took part in a national championship, carried out at La Serena (almost 1000 kms South of Antofagasta), obtaining a bronce medal in his category. In the Northern Chile championship Jean Pool won gold and Miguel bronce, also in Judo. This gave great joy to all the group that practices the same sport, that needs skill and discipline.
We always support our children in the development of their sports and artistic skills, so they may use their free time in healthy activities that stengthen their selfesteem. We help them to make good use of all the possibilities our municipality offers for free.
We are in the middle of winter right now, even though in Antofagasta it never gets really cold, but this is not the time for swimming. The children are anxiously awaiting their 2 weeks vacation now in July. They can make trips, have recreative activities or simply rest.
Let me thank you once again for your invaluable contribution to our Antofagasta SOS Village that enables us to continue sheltering and educating over 100 children and youngsters, hoping for a better future.
Néstor Rojas
Director Antofagasta SOS Children’s Village
Child sponsor letter from Coyanco
Dear sponsors and friends,
As in past years, during the same season, we want to inform you about our SOS Village in Coyanco and what has happened during the year 2006.
At present there live 108 children and youngsters between the ages of 3 and 19 at the Village. During this year we could receive 4 more boys and 5 girls, the youngest one being only 3 years old and the others between 8 and 12 years. They got accustomed very fast, enjoying their beautiful house, the tenderness of a new family and all the possibilities of playing, sports and of finding new friends. Our village is situated in a rural sector, where is still much poverty, insufficient and unstable incomes and poor living conditions that lead to alcoholism, mistreatment, abandon and lack of care of the children. We the SOS Villages are here to help them here they find protection and love in their new families. In some cases the biological families recover and better their dramatic situation and the children can return to them. This has been the case of 2 children. Two of the older ones, María Victoria and Karen, left the Village, having finished their training as nursing technician and kinder garden helper. Both of them are applying to enter one of the 13 SOS villages as mothers and have a good chance of being accepted. They are good housekeepers and dearly love small children.
One young man who recently left the Village, gave us the great joy of announcing his marriage for the beginning of 2007. He has a good job in a department store, is postulating for a house of his own and is proud and very thankful for his education in the Village, for the love and support he always received here. Now he asked for photos of his years at the Village, so he may show on his wedding day, to family and friends, how and where he grew up and tell them that thanks to the Village he could study and get the necessary training that now enable him to start a family of his own.
All the children go to different schools. In Chile, the children get 8 years of primary school and 4 years of high school. For these 4 years one may select normal high school education or a technical one, that offers a training during the last 2 years. But anyhow most of the youngsters start higher education after these 12 years, most of them at an institute. These studies take about 3three years. A few ones can fulfill their dream and enter university. Every year in December the admission exams take place and the career they may study depends on the obtained results. Now our Jeimy, the young lady that studied at the SOS International College in Costa Rica and has returned in June, will write this test for which she has been preparing during these last months, and we hope with her for good results.
Public education in Chile is still not at its best, but getting better. Eight of our little ones between 3 and 5 years old, went to a “language school”, supported by the State, where they could better their problems of communication and sociability. We also help our children with reinforcement lessons and complementary workshops.
During this year we also gave training to the mothers and the personnel that help them in their task. All of us, who look after children and educate them, need to be well prepared for solving their problems and healing the emotional wounds that they bring to us upon coming to our Village, in order to help them to become happy children who enjoy their childhood.
But not all is education, work and obligations. We had lots of activities and spent happy moments together and joined in small and big events.
During summer vacations in January and February, each family traveled to some nice and entertaining place, enjoying and knowing new things. They also enjoyed the swimming pool at the Village every day they could.
All the special days during the year were celebrated. First mother’s Day, then in June the International SOS Villages Day, in July 2 weeks of winter vacations, in August Children’s Day with music, games and movies. September is the month of the National Holiday, which is celebrated with much enthusiasm, besides spring starts. And of course we celebrate the birthday of every child with a layer cake, sweets, presents, music and dancing. All our children love music and dancing and most of them are quite good at sports. We do foment all these sports and artistic activities.
As we are practically living in the countryside, the children love animals and this year our “Zoo” grew. Now we have 2 horses and it is incredible how the children take care amuse of them. They provide quite a therapy.
Now school term is coming to its end, with the last exams, the school excursions and some celebrations finishing primary or high-school.
At the same time we are preparing for Christmas. The houses are being decorated by the children with great enthusiasm and a Christmas tree and a crib are put up in the first days of December in the living room .
In the name of the children, the SOS mothers and coworkers of our Village, I thank all our
sponsors and friends for their help and wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Julio Arancibia
Director SOS Village Coyanco
Relevant Countries: Chile.