SOS Children in Chile

Chile extends along the south-west coast of South America, between the Pacific Ocean and the Andes, from the world's driest desert region in the north to the Antarctic in the south. With one of South America's strongest economies, its basic social indicators compare favourably with other countries in the region. Despite this, it is a country of immense social contrasts. A large proportion of the population live below the poverty line in slum conditions, which are compounded by high unemployment, housing shortages and malnutrition.
The charity began its work in Chile over thirty years ago in 1965. Today, there are thirteen SOS Children's Villages and numerous associated welfare, educational and medical facilities serving the needs of vulnerable people in the neighbourhood communities.
Santiago, the country's capital and largest city, has two SOS Children's Villages; Madreselvas, built in 1969, and 2 km away, Los Aromos which opened in 1978. Together they have 22 family houses and four youth houses for teenagers. Los Aromos also has a social welfare centre serving the needs of the wider community, which includes a nursery for 240 children.
In Concepción, about 500 km south of Santiago, there are four SOS Children communities - Concepción, Bulnes (Chillán), Chaimávida and Coyanco. Together they have 48 family houses and six youth houses providing a transitional home for older SOS children, a large technical college and various vocational training workshops. Over 1000 children and young people are cared for by these four SOS Children's Villages and their associated facilities.
The charity has built other communities in Ancud (Chiloée), Arica, Antofagasta, Malleco (Angol), Puerto Varas, Quilpué and Curicó providing a home for over 800 children and young people.
In both Malleco and Antofagasta, SOS Children has built social centres which provide meals and day care for socially disadvantaged children from neighbourhood families, as well as educational help, counselling for social problems and recreational activities.
Local Contacts

SOS Children in Chile:
Federación de Aldeas Infanitiles SOS de Chile
Avenida Los Leones 382 - oficina 501
Providencia/Casilla 16590 Correo 9
Santiago de Chile
Tel: +56/2/23 29 622, +56/2/23 29 785
Fax: +56/2/23 26 357
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