Child sponsorship letter from Concepción

Dear sponsors,
in this first information of 2007 about our SOS Children's Village Concepción, we are able give you the good news that reconstruction and remodeling finally came to a good end and left the Village completely renewed. Six family houses were completely demolished and constructed anew. They are quite different and much more ample than before and we also built two more - a total of eight new houses. Besides five more houses were remodeled and also enlarged. We kept the old structures, but the inside distribution was made anew and the houses have new windows, doors, floors and kitchens. It was long and hard work, but the families got along somehow. They knew that soon they would be living in their new and comfortable houses and at present the last ones are moving in. As we now have two more houses, we soon will be able to receive more children. Right now there are living 98 children at the Village and 15 youngsters at the two Youth Facilities.
For quite some months the children were asking daily when they will be changing houses. They went to look at the construction and together with their SOS mothers took the measurements for the curtains and together they decided the colors they wanted for their bed-rooms. In one of the houses the mother did not have any excuse but to accept a pet. She had been promising one as soon as they got their new house. They now have a little cat named Cindy and the also want to buy a white rabbit.
Every family celebrated the new house in its own way, most of them with a barbecue.
Some children had some problems getting accustomed to the change. Marcelo was so used arriving at his old house that during the first days he rang the doorbell there, wondering why nobody opened for him, when suddenly he remembered that now he had a new house.
Soon the children will be finishing this first term at school and are expecting their July winter vacations. Two thirds of our children are attending pre-basic or basic school, the other third is going to high school. There are very few youngsters at the Village that study or attend professional training.
At the beginning of this year one youngster surprised us by informing his decision to enter a theological seminary for becoming a priest. He arrived at our Village at the age of 2 1/2 years together with two siblings, after having lost their mother in a tragic way. The SOS mother that took him in was a fundamental column for his life. He was a mischievous, restless and disobedient child like many others, but his mother always knew how to guide him and how to put him on the right track. As a little one he already loved going to church and year by year he grew closer to God. He loves soccer, and from a very young age belonged to the soccer team. But many times he didn't go to his training, because he preferred to go to church. One of the most difficult steps in his life was to enter the Youth Facility, because he was afraid of leaving his SOS mother, but he knew that this first step into independence was necessary. In these difficult days he collaborated in the youth group of the parish and found big help and support there, as well as with his SOS mother. They always kept a very close communication, talking for long hours about his problems and his desire to enter a theological seminary - which finally in March he did.
This time we also want to tell you about the two kindergartens that belong to our SOS Village at Concepción. The small kindergarten we had at the Village doesn't exist any more. The youngest children attend different schools that have pre-basic education, from 4 years up, and a few attend one of the two kindergartens the Village offers to the community. They are in a neighborhood where there live many people in quite precarious situation like slums and they attend 310 children from three months to five years.
The children stay there from 8.30 to 16.30 hrs, and are give complete alimentation as well as attention and stimulation, which is very important during the first years of their lives. But not only the children are being attended, but we also work with the families - in many cases they are single mothers. They get orientation as to nutrition and education of their children, we help them with the paper works for getting the government subsidy for obtaining an appropriate house and we give them the chance of a short and simple professional training, so they may find a job. Mostly they learn dressmaking, hair dressing or pastry. This way they can get out of their extreme poverty, the children can stay with their families and have the opportunity of a better future, without the necessity of separating from their mothers.
The latest case that gave us great satisfaction was the help we could offer to a mother who arrived at our kindergarten with her three children of one, three and five years. Their father had left them after mistreating them, they lived in a very small and primitive room and she had no job, but did not want to separate from her children. We received the children at our kindergarten she found work at a market and we helped her with all the proceedings for obtaining a house with a minimum of savings. A short time ago her dream came true and they moved into their new house, which was practically a gift from the municipality. We helped them with the transportation of their few possessions and it is difficult to describe their happiness when they got installed in a real house with a living room, kitchen, bathroom and two bedrooms. It is a simple house - but to this family it is the paradise.
This way we try to better the lives of many children and also adults, in our SOS Village, as well as in those other annex installations for the community, with the help of people who are compromised and sensitive to the social problems that still exist in our country.
Our heartfelt thanks to you, who help us with your donations to carry out our work and surely we will see the fruits of our labor in the future.
Cordially yours,
Renate Wurzbacher
Sponsorship Office Chile
Sponsor letter from Quilpué
Dear sponsors and friends,
As in past years, during the same season, we want to inform you about our SOS Village in Quilpué and what has happened during the year 2006.
At present there live 146 children and youngsters at the 16 houses of our Village, besides the 28 young men and ladies at the 5 apartments of the youth facility. We are the SOS Village with most houses and children of the 13 Villages that exist in Chile.
Some of the youngsters finished their studies or professional training and are able to fend for themselves. Several could buy a little flat or very small house of their own, with a government subsidy, which means an enormous security for their future, besides, the monthly payments are much lower than a rent. Generally our youngsters bring us very good results most of them attend a technical-professional high school with a training and further studies at an institute. Some cannot finish these last ones, but with their basic training through the high school years and with that diploma, they are able to obtain a job and a payment that permits them to live independently and have a family of their own.
We are helping one of our youngsters, who finished his training as International Chef de Cuisine, with his paper work, for getting a job as cook aboard a cruise liner. They pay very well and he would like to hold this job for some time, in order to save money and start a family of his own.
Several children were able to return to their biological families. Generally, our children come to the Village because of the negligence of their parents, of alcoholism, mistreatment and abandon. These situations are mainly created by lack of jobs, illness or many other reasons. But there also exist cases where the family or part of it recovers and is able again to take care of the children. But in many cases this is not possible.
During this year we received 15 more children, amongst them a group of 7 brothers and sisters, between 1 and 10 years of age a very tragic story. They feel well protected at their new home and with the help of everybody by and by get over their dramatic past.
All or children and youngsters attend different schools, the older ones professional institutes and a few reach their goal and attend university. Now in December 4 youngsters finish high school and take the university admission test, 22 finish primary school and in March start an new stage of their education.
Here in Chile, there are 8 years of primary school and 4 years of high school. For these 4 years one may select a normal scientific-humanistic high school, or one that offers a simple additional technical-professional training, during the last 2 years. Most of our youngsters afterwards enter a professional institute. These studies take 2 to 3 years. . All the higher education, professional institutes as well as universities, are not for free. They charge rather high admission and monthly fees.
For the little ones from 3 to 6 years there exist kinder gardens that are called “language schools” and are financed by the government. They teach the children to speak better and augment their vocabulary.
We also make use of the medical and dental care offered by the clinics of the community. In Quilpué, that is rather close to the Pacific coast, we have a wonderful climate and it never grows very cold. Generally our children are in good health, but many a time they need special attention by a psychologist, a neurologist, ophthalmologist or dentist. One must pay for these specialties, but we have an agreement with the general hospitals and pay less and our children are treated with much love and dedication, so they may get over their difficulties and recover by and by from their emotional and sometimes physical wounds.
The children receive constant pedagogic support and we foment any artistic, cultural and sports activity. Some participate at school, others at a club of the community. The contact with the community is very important and helps the youngsters to form part of it and of finding a job, at the moment of starting their independent lives.
Our SOS mothers are in constant training and help each other. All of us who look after children and educate them, have to be well prepared for solving the problems and heal the emotional wounds that are brought to us by the children coming to our villages, in order to help them to become happy children who enjoy their childhood.
We also worked with the youngsters who attended classes on prevention of drug addiction and alcoholism, sexual education, professional orientation etc.
But not all is work and obligations. We had many happy moments together, having many big and small festivities together. Starting with the summer vacations in January, several families spent a few weeks at our cottages at the beach, but others wanted to know different places.
We celebrated Easter, then Mother’s Day, in June the International Day of the SOS Villages, in July 2 weeks of winter vacations, in August Children’s Day and in September we celebrated the National Holidays with much joy. These days are loved by the children as well as by the adults. There are many typical Chilean games, dances and food and besides spring starts at the same time. Of course every child’s birthday is celebrated with a big layer cake, sweets, presents, music and dancing.
Now the school term is coming to its end, the last tests are been written, there are school excursions and graduations and the vacations are being planned.
At the same time we are preparing for Christmas. The children decorate the houses with much enthusiasm and a Christmas tree and a crib are being put up in the first days of December.
In the name of the children, the SOS mothers an coworkers of our Village Quilpué , I want to thank all our sponsors and friends for their help and wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year 2007.
Cordially ,
Julio González B.
Director Quilpué SOS Village
Child sponsor letter from Puerto Varas
Dear sponsors and friends,
As in past years, during the same season, we want to inform you about our SOS Village in Puerto Varas and was has happened during the year 2006.
At this moment the Puerto Varas Village is the home of 108 children, girls and boys. Our family has grown, because we received 7 more children during this year. They all come from our region, most from rural areas, where there still exists much poverty. The children got used to their new home real fast.
When a new child arrives, everybody prepares to receive it, so they may feel immediately welcome and beloved from the start. The house is being decorated, the room and bed ready as well as the toys according to the age of the newcomer. And on this day there also is special food. Some children arrive very shy, others more curious about what the new home will be like.
As is natural, some of our youngsters have finished their formal education and studies and started their independent lives during this year. Felix, one of the first children to arrive at our Village in 1984, finished his studies as juridical technician, is working and can live on his own. Oscar finished his studies as specialist in tourism and is working in Puerto Varas Mirsa carried out a training in gastronomy and two girls went back to live with their biological families. One of them got married a short time ago and now has a family of her own.
We started the year with the much expected summer vacations, the climate was nice and the families enjoyed beaches and landscapes at the lakes of our region. The over 17 years old have to work part of their vacations. Luckily in summer time there are enough jobs and it was easy to find work and gave them quite a lot of new experiences. The young ladies mostly look after children and the young men work at some service companies.
We know that constant training of the mothers and other coworkers is of great importance. It allows them to do their work more efficiently and to educate their children in a more professional way. Several mothers attended different courses and received their diplomas in education, psychology, health care etc. The “aunts” also went to courses in the school for mothers.
It is important that the children and youngsters feel a bond to their surroundings. That helps them developing to be sociable which is so useful when they get independent later. Many of the youngsters sing in the choir of the parish, others serve as acolytes, others assist lessons at the municipal music academy, others take part in the theater workshops of their schools and some more are enthusiastic members of sporting clubs in all kinds of sports. They also join in any kind of activities offered by the municipality. We do foment these activities, so the children may use their spare time doing something active and good for their health.
We want to tell that we have integration workshops for our already independent youngsters, where we treat subjects of interest to them and they contribute with their experiences of their independent lives for the one that are to leave the Village, soon. From our independent youngsters Macarena stands out. She finished her career as biochemist this year and, thanks to her responsibility and efforts in her studies, was accepted at a program for a doctorate in her same speciality.
We must foment solidarity. Our youngsters have visited poor families and are helping a former Village brother, who is passing through very difficult moments in his life caused by a health problem. His SOS mother as well as all the brothers and sisters of the Village support him, not only with material assistance, but also by showing him their love and keeping him company.
Now the school term is coming to its end, when all the children and youngsters are making their best efforts for the exams and to get promoted, or to obtain the diploma for having finished primary or high school. We see them very anxious to obtain good marks. Children who have learning difficulties are given support with special lessons or workshops in the areas where it is needed. This year we have a few children that have to repeat, but most of the children got promoted to the next class.
At the same time we are preparing for Christmas. The houses are being decorated by the children with great enthusiasm and a Christmas tree and a crib are being put up in the first days of December.
In the name of the children, the SOS mothers and coworkers of our Puerto Varas Village,
I thank our sponsors and friends for their help and wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Jorge Tellez C.
Director SOS Village Puerto Varas
Sponsorship letter from Curicó
Dear sponsors and friends,
As in past years, during the same season, we want to inform you about our SOS Village Curicó and what has happened during the year 2006.
In the 12 families of our community, during this year, there lived 107 boys, girls, and youngsters. They mostly come from rural sectors of our region, where there still is much poverty, lack of jobs, mostly temporary work only in harvest times. This leads to alcoholism, to violence in the families and abandon and lack of care of the children. The government help is insufficient and that is where the work of the SOS Village sets in. Here the children find protection and tenderness in their new families. In some cases the biological families recover and the children may return to live with them - but in many cases this is not possible.
All the children and youngsters attend different schools. Most of our children are still quite small, being the Curicó Village one of the newest ones in Chile. We have been working for about 10 years by now. There are 11 children in kinder garden (3 to 5 years of age) and that means additional language lessons. 75 children attend primary school and 16 boys and girls high school. Four of our children have serious learning problems and got to special schools.- The children receive constant pedagogical support and we foment all kinds of activities, may they be cultural-artistic or sports. There is something for every taste or talent and it is very important that they use their spare time in a healthy and active way. The children of course are fanatic about soccer, others of Judo and Karate, the girls prefer volleyball, basketball, music and folklore. For the children over 14 we organized a vocational workshop, in order to help them to take a decision on their future studies and profession.
Now in December, six children finish primary school and six graduate from high school. Five of them will take the university admission tests, 2 others study at a technical institute and are now doing their practice first, one to become a public accountant, the other a car mechanic.
In Chile there are 8 years of grammar school and 4 years of high school. For these 4 years one may select normal high school education or a technical one, that offers training during the last 2 years. But anyhow most of the youngsters start higher education after these 12 years. Some attend a professional institute for 2 to 3 year others can fulfill their dream and enter university. In December of every year the admission exams for university take place, and the career they may study depends on the obtained results.
Our mothers, aunts and co-workers receive training regularly, in order to be able to educate the children and to solve the numerous daily problems. This training in education, psychology, health etc. is very important and permits a more professional work. All of us who work with children must be prepared to face daily problems and heal the emotional wounds that are brought to us by the children coming to our Villages, in order to help them to become happy children who enjoy their childhood.
As always, outside the school obligations, education and training, we had many activities and had jolly times celebrating and getting together in small and big events.
In January we began the year with the summer vacations, each family traveling to a nice place for rest, specially at one of our beautiful Pacific beaches.
Mother’s Days was celebrated and in June the International Day of SOS Villages. In July there were two weeks of winter vacations, in August we celebrated Children’s Day and in September the National holidays, with traditional games, music, dancing, and nice food. They all love music and dancing and the little ones looked very cute in their typical outfit. Besides that is also the beginning of spring and the children are enjoying our park. Now all the trees have grown and our Village is a very beautiful place, much green and many flowers, where the children can play freely, but always careful of the plants. From the start we teach them to love and care for nature, the animals and the
We have agreements for medical attention with first aid stations and hospitals and some specialists, as are psychologists, dentists, neurologists. These specialties are not for free, but our children are attended at a minor cost. These professionals know our children and treat them with much tenderness and dedication, so they may overcome their difficulties, as well as their emotional and sometimes physical wounds.
Now school term is coming to its end, with the last exams, the school excursions and some licenses. The youngsters who will render the selection tests for entering university are quite nervous. They will know the results only in January. The over 17 years old are looking for summer jobs, that allow them to get to know the labor market and to earn some money for buying personal things, to finance the matriculation fee or to save for their future.
At the same time we are preparing for Christmas. The houses are decorated by the children with much enthusiasm and already during the first days of December a Christmas tree and a crib are being put up.
In the name of the children, the SOS mothers and coworkers of our SOS-Village Curicó I want to thank our sponsors and friends for their help and wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2007.
Elías Chahuán
Director SOS Village Curicó
Relevant Countries: Chile.