SOS Children in Mali

Mali is the second largest country in West Africa; nearly one third of it is part of the Sahara desert. The most populated area is the river Niger basin in the south of the country, a huge land-locked delta. It is one of the least developed countries in the world. One of the frequently drought-stricken Sahel countries, the unfavourable climate and its land-locked situation have hindered Mali's economic development. Sixty per cent of the population is illiterate. Life expectancy is low, at around 52 years, and many people suffer from bilharzia and river blindness.
The charity opened its first community in Sanankoroba, 30 kilometres south of Bamako, in 1987. It has thirteen family houses built in the local traditional style and there is a youth house in Bamako for the older boys starting to lead independent lives. The village has a nursery and a primary and secondary school, all of which are open to children from the neighbourhood. The school has capacity for 700 pupils and includes workshops for vocational training. A small clinic provides medical care for both the SOS and local families.
In 1996, the charity opened a Children's Village at Socoura near Mopti opened its doors. In central Mali, it is approximately 20 kilometres from the centre of Mopti on the road towards Gao. Socoura has twelve family houses, also built in the local style, and a nursery for both the SOS and local children, for whom daily meals are also provided. The village is actively involved in efforts to control malaria in the neighbourhood, which include periodic spraying programmes and the distribution of impregnated mosquito nets to local families.

In 2003/2004 regions of Mali faced famine as a result of poor crop yields in the season and locust invasions. The employees of SOS Children's Village in Mopti distributed basic foodstuffs and other relief goods (90 tons of millet, 3 tons of milk, 400 cartons of biscuits, 25 tons of fodder and 17 tons of seeds) to 570 families with 2,200 children in 16 villages to help them.
SOS Children does not only provide temporary relief in Mopti but has also been establishing a number of social programmes. The 'family strengthening' programme offers:
literacy courses for adults
training programmes for women and young adults
learning support
health promotion services
tailor-made support for extremely poor families
distribution of donkey carts and working animals
See also Aids Orphan Projects in Mali, Africa.
Local Contacts

SOS Children in Mali
Association des Villages d'Enfants SOS du Mali, Quartier Torokorobougou, BPE 495, Bamako, Mali
Tel: +223/228 96 63, 228 57 60
Fax: +223/228 32 88
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