Sponsor's update letter from Sanankoroba

Update from Summer 2007
Dear Sponsor,
It is with a great pleasure that we are sending you the latest information about your sponsored children.
The new children welcomed in the Village last October have slowly adapted. There are six (6) of them (3 boys and 3 girls). The total population is 130 (69 boys and 61girls) living in our 13family houses. Two (2) of their SOS mothers retired in December 2006.
At the SOS School, there are ninety one (91) with six hundred (600) others coming from the neighbourhood. As for the end of year exams, we have eight (8) candidates for the C.F.E.P.C.E.F. (Primary school Leaving Certificate) and six (6) for the D.E.F. (Junior High school Leaving Certificate).
In the SOS Nursery School, the small ones are particularly wondered by the visit of « Luna Park » an amusement Park in Bamako. Here not only they discover children from other preschool institutions but also the wonders of the Capital city (monuments, nice buildings, etc.) and various games and entertainment. These feelings and emotions are expressed in their reports and drawings.
In the SOS Hostel of Bamako, the youth association is becoming more and more dynamic. Sport and cultural meetings with SOS children Villages is increasing. Thanks to peer Education, awareness raising messages on drugs, HIV/AIDS and STI (Sexually Transmissible Infections) is conveyed to young people.
Key events influenced the Village life. There are among others the sojourn in the Village of a French team composed of journalists, film makers, SOS collaborators who come to show interesting films such as «la Marche de l’Empereur» (the Emperor’s Walk) which filled with wonder the audience.
Thus, the personnel of USAID, an American agency for the Development and the Embassy of the Republic of Ghana visited us (concerning the festivals commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Ghana.
This year, the Village will celebrate its 20th Anniversary (1987-2007). The preparation is under way. In twenty years of existence, many children enjoyed their childhood thanks to the commitment of Mothers and Aunts and benefited from a good educational and vocational training. But, dear Foster Fathers and Mothers, all these could take place thanks to your commitment for the benefit of the children.
On behalf of all the children, the SOS mothers and aunts and all the personnel of the Village, we wish you excellent health and success in all your undertaking. I would like you dear Sponsor to accept my utmost gratitude.
Happy summer holiday!
Malle Cisse
Village Director
Child sponsorship update from Socoura

Update from Winter 2006
It is with great pleasure that I send you the Annual Report 2006 about the SOS Children Village of Socoura/Mopti. First of all, I would like to insure you that the SOS Children Village of Socoura/Mopti is making progress in all the areas thanks to your great contribution.
We would like to thank you from the bottom of our heart for the good work you keep doing for the SOS Children.
In 2006, one hundred and twenty (120) Children have been taken into charge by the SOS Children Village among them are sixty (60) boys and sixty (60) girls all in good shape. The SOS Mothers and Aunts (Family Assistants) and the teaching staff give the children the appropriate care and love.
In October, seven (7) new Children have been accommodated to replace the seven (07) SOS youth who left for the SOS Youth Supervision Cell in Bamako. There, they will further they secondary studies or will undertake a professional training. For the new school year preparations have been made to accommodate them in the SOS Village.
Thus, for their arrival a ceremony during which the new child will be given to his SOS Mother was organized in the presence of VESOS partners and friends. SOS Children’s drama group was there to entertain the audience with their «djembé» (tom-tom).
At the social level, unlike the last two years 2004 and 2005 when the rain fall was catastrophic resulting in social and economic difficulties in the Region, this year, it seems more abundant and leaves room for hope for good harvest.
The SOS Children Village of Socoura-Mopti continues its care taking actions in its environment by offering health care, SOS Nursery School, and sports area to Children and youth. These actions are highly appreciated by the population and contribute largely to the integration of the Children Village in its environment.
In 2006, ninety nine (99) Children were registered to school (52 boys and 47 girls in both cycles of basic education.
The school results were very satisfactory as a whole. All the candidates sitting for the C.E.P (Primary School Leaving Certificate) and for the D.E.F.(Junior High School Leaving Certificate), passed their examinations, that is a 100% rate. This good result was achieved thanks to good team work that exists within the Village around teaching issues met.
Like the primary school, the nursery school started the new school year with a population of two hundreds and ten (210) Children. New children (28) coming from poor families who were registered are exempted from paying the schooling fees. Today, it is obvious that the nursery school contributes to the development of schooling in the area.
Many events took place in the Village.
The «SOS Day» was celebrated with splendor. During the whole day, the SOS Children and the very small ones performed great artistic demonstrations. Distinguished guests and the population from the neighborhood environment attended the performance in the Village. The performance of the Very Small Ones was cheered by the audience
The display of various socio-educative activities’ products took place in the big VESOS festival room.
Dyed pieces of clothes, paintings, small clothes sewn by the children themselves were highly appreciated.
During summer holidays some of the children went in their biological families (109). This allowed them to establish interpersonal relations and to learn about the realities of their region. They took part to field works or took the small animals to the grazing land. The girls helped their mothers with the housework (cooking, cleaning, or washing the dishes).
For those who stayed in the Village a holiday camp was organised for them under the supervision of the educator.
At the level of health, we experienced no serious issue. Before the children came back, steps had been taken: they are the Village sanitation, the providing of the nursery with first care medicines, the renewing of the impregnated mosquito nets for the children, the spray of family houses.
To end, I would like to wish you all the best for success and prosperity for your works.
Moussa T. Coulibaly
Village Director
Relevant Countries: Mali.