Charity Home > Donate & Help > Organising a fundraising event

Organising a fundraising event

If you would like to organise an event - just call or email the fundraising team and tell us all about it - we will be happy to support you. Download our comprehensive fundraising toolkit pdf or call the office to be sent a hard copy. This covers all the important information that you need to plan and successfully carry out your event.

Public events can be advertised on this website and we love to hear about the efforts and creativity of our supporters - do send us feedback and pictures afterwards so we can highlight how you helped to make a difference.

We can support you and your event by providing:

  • a fundraising pack including SOS T-shirt

  • banner ribbon and balloons and posters to brand your event

  • a tailor-made sponsorship form and advice on how to raise funds successfully online using Justgiving

  • collection tins/bucket wraps for bucket collections

  • collection envelopes - useful if supporters would like to make anonymous donations and send direct to our office

  • gift aid forms to increase donations by almost a third at no extra cost to the donor

  • leaflets to inform your potential sponsors

  • a letter of acknowledgement to help raise awareness of what you are doing/encourage support from your local contacts

  • a press release and contact your local media to highlight your challenge and fundraising efforts. This is not only an opportunity for the local community to support you, but it also helps to raise our profile and recruit further support for SOS Children

and afterwards…

  • thank you sincerely once the money has been raised

  • feature you on our webpage and/or in our quarterly newsletter

  • allocate 100% of your donation to a specific SOS village or project if preferred, or to the project most in need at the time

Forthcoming events

You can see details about forthcoming fundraising events to get some more ideas for your own fundraiser.

Thank you!

Donations from local fundraising events really help to keep the charity going, so we're very grateful for all your support. For more inspiration on events and a big thank you to everyone who's supported us, have a look at the list of all recent fundraising events.

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