Sponsor a Child with SOS Children UK

We think everyone who can should consider sponsoring a child. Compared to other ways of giving a small part of your donation (about £1 a month) goes on the cost of our sponsorship program keeping you in touch, and the rest goes straight to the family where the child lives. Sponsorship with us is a bit extra special because the children who get sponsorship really do get everything (a mum, a bed, food, education, love) all as a result of your support. Child Sponsorship is a great way to give hope to orphans.
In return you can see the difference your monthly support makes. Our sponsors often tell us of the warm satisfaction of seeing a little girl or boy with nothing grow up into an independent happy person thanks to child sponsorship.
Working in over 124 countries, you can choose where to sponsor and even select when you start your sponsorship - even after the rush of the Christmas period. For just £20 a month you can sponsor a child and give hope for a lifetime.
To find out more about the process of child sponsorship see our Child Sponsorship page.
A very large proportion of our work is only possible thanks to our Child Sponsors. We offer children for sponsorships in most of the 440 Children's Villages which we run around the world. Background information on each of these Villages, maps, country history and photos are all in the child Sponsorship Directory. You can search countries using click though maps by going to Africa Child Sponsorship, Asian Child Sponsorship, Central and South American Child Sponsorship.
You can sponsor online now on our secure site.