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29 gifts for the dark academia devotees in your life

Have you ever been watching a movie where the characters are gallivanting about some sort of academic institution — think Dead Poets Society or Harry Potter — and you catch yourself thinking, “Damn, poring over a book and studying by candlelight would kind of hit right now?” If so, then you understand the basic appeal of dark academia.

Though the origins of this aesthetic’s popularity can be traced to early 2010s Tumblr, dark academia has taken on a new meaning on Instagram and TikTok. It’s not just about dressing up in vintage blazers, muted plaids, and turtleneck sweaters, or just about obsessing over all things neoclassic and gothic (though that’s certainly part of the fun). It’s about discovering community through classic art and literature, engaging with creativity, and overall, unabashedly loving learning — a love that’s been especially fraught for students who’ve attended remote school during the pandemic.

Make no mistake: Dark academia fans don’t have to be actual students in universities with ivy-covered walls. So if you’re shopping for someone with a soft spot for museums, old books, and handwritten notes, keep reading to find a gift they’ll love.