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Ukraine President Zelenskyy awards medal to beloved mine-sniffing dog

Image of Patron the mine-sniffing dog being pet on the head

Patron, the Jack Russell terrier on the frontlines of the war in Ukraine, has been recognized for his heroic efforts.

The little dog, whose owner is Major Myhailo Iliev of the Civil Protection Service, is believed to be responsible for detecting over 200 explosive devices since the start of the war. According to Reuters, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy presented Patron and Illiev with an award during a news conference in Kyiv with Canadian Prime Minster Justin Trudeau also present.

In a video from Suspilne News, Patron is seen approaching Zelenskyy and Trudeau with the confidence and swagger befitting a dog who has risked his life for his country literally hundreds of times. He greeted the world leaders with a wagging tail and few quick barks for good measure.

Image of hero dog Patron receiving a medal from Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy

Patron and his owner greet Zelenskyy and Trudeau
Credit: Getty Images

According to Reuters, in a statement after the ceremony Zelenksyy said, “Today, I want to award those Ukrainian heroes who are already clearing our land of mines. And together with our heroes, a wonderful little sapper — Patron — who helps not only to neutralize explosives, but also to teach our children the necessary safety rules in areas where there is a mine threat.”

Patron, whose name means “ammo” in Ukrainian has become a symbol of the Ukrainian resistance against the Russian invasion for his bravery and grit. He has also earned fans from all over the world and even has his own Instagram page.