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Need a new laptop? The ASUS L510 won’t break the bank at just $199.

asus laptop l510 from two different angles with purple background

SAVE $81: You don’t have to break the bank on a laptop to get the job done. The ASUS L510 is on sale for only $199 at Walmart as of June 22 — that’s 29% in savings on an already budget-friendly laptop.

Basic isn’t always a bad thing. If you’re looking for a computer that can keep up with your busy lifestyle without weighing you down, an entry-level, pared down laptop might be your best bet. These basic budget laptops can easily handle light tasks like browsing the web, writing and editing documents, video calls, and streaming.

The ASUS L510 laptop is one of our top picks in this category for its ultra-thin design and huge HD display. And as of June 22, it’s on sale for only $199 at Walmart — that’s $81 off its $279.99 MSRP.

Designed with productivity in mind, the ASUS Laptop L510 has an impressive 15.6-inch screen (bigger than most laptops in this price range) with a sharp 1920×1080 FHD resolution. If you’ve ever tried to multitask on a teeny 11-inch laptop, then you know just how important those extra inches are. It also makes streaming that much more engaging. Despite the large screen size, however, the laptop measures only 0.72 inches in width. That makes stashing it in a bag or backpack a breeze.

The model on sale features 4GB of DDR4 RAM, 128GB of eMMC flash storage, an Intel Celeron N4020 processor, and USB 3.2 type-C, HDMI, and micro SD connectivity. The L510’s battery life is just so-so at up to eight hours on a single charge, and it is a bit on the heavy side for a budget laptop.

What it lacks in high-end power, though, it makes up for with its sleek design, 180-degree hinge, and solid specs. When it comes to laptops, sometimes less is more. You don’t have to break the bank to get the job done.