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‘Spoiler Alert’s trailer is here and you’re going to need all the tissues

Jim Parsons and Ben Aldridge in

Prepare yourself for all the tears, because Michael Ausiello’s best-selling memoir Spoiler Alert: The Hero Dies is now a film. 

Directed by Michael Showalter, Spoiler Alert stars Jim Parsons (The Big Bang Theory) and Ben Aldridge (Fleabag) as Michael and his real-life partner, Kit. The two are unlikely lovers who find themselves dealing with unexpected and life-changing news. From the trailer’s first look, we can guarantee that tissues will definitely be needed in the theater, thanks to Michael’s heartbreaking (true) love story on cosmic connections and untimely loss.

Butterflies, romance, urgency, and grief, Spoiler Alert is a story of our bittersweet universe — all the love it makes us feel, and what it leaves us with afterward. 

Spoiler Alert is premiering nationwide in theaters on Dec. 16.