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The 8 best and funniest tweets of Valentine’s week

illustration of twitter bird with screenshot of tweet about valentine's day

Love is in the air and tweets are on the timeline.

Valentine’s Day was this past Tuesday and, of course, lots of people posted about it. People in love, people out of love, people who love love, people who don’t believe in love, they all posted. We went ahead and collected eight tweets about Valentine’s Day and the week surrounding it for your enjoyment. Enjoy!

1. Don’t be too cute because that can be a danger to everyone, including yourselves.

2. This is entirely on-brand for Sen. Bernie Sanders. It’s perfect.

3. Happy Valentine’s Day to this swan and this swan only.

4. OK, at LEAST marry me if you won’t be my valentine. Like don’t be rude.

5. This isn’t the worst idea I’ve ever heard. You’d probably be right a bunch of the time.

6. This kid is really smart. Maybe he needs to work a little on thinking about other peoples’ feelings. But this kid is really, really smart.

7. The poor suffering of parents on Valentine’s Day is unmatched. Just hours and hours of work for…nothing. Nothing at all.

8. An, finally, obligatory dril tweet about the holiday.