Description |
President Coolidge receiving statue of boy scout, outside the White House
- TITLE: President greets visiting boy scouts. 1500 boy scouts from N.Y., N.J., & Conn. making annual pilgrimage to the Capitol being greeted at the White House by President Coolidge
- CALL NUMBER: LOT 12299, v. 1 <item> [P&P]
Check for an online group record (may link to related items)
- REPRODUCTION NUMBER: LC-USZ62-111361 (b&w film copy neg.)
No known restrictions on publication.
- SUMMARY: President Coolidge receiving statue of boy scout, outside the White House.
- MEDIUM: 1 photographic print.
- NOTES: National Photo Company Collection.
- Item in album: v. 1, p. 18, no. 41143.
- FORMAT: Photographic prints 1920-1930.
- DIGITAL ID: (b&w film copy neg.) cph 3c11361
- CARD #: 94508179
- Courtesy of the library of congress
Source |,app,brum,detr,swann,look,gottscho,pan,horyd,genthe,var,cai,cd,hh,yan,bbcards,lomax,ils,prok,brhc,nclc,matpc,iucpub,tgmi |
Permission ( Reusing this image) |
This work is in the public domain in the United States because it is a work of the United States Federal Government under the terms of Title 17, Chapter 1, Section 105 of the US Code. See Copyright. Note: This only applies to works of the Federal Government and not to the work of any individual U.S. state, territory, commonwealth, county, municipality, or any other subdivision. This template also does not apply to postage stamps published by the United States Postal Service after 1978. (See 206.02(b) of Compendium II: Copyright Office Practices).
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Originally from en.wikipedia; description page is (was) here * 09:07, 26 May 2006 [[:en:User:USHistory|USHistory]] 350×284 (22,915 bytes) <span class="comment">(,app,brum,detr,swann,look,gottscho,pan,horyd,genthe,var,cai,cd,hh,yan,bbcards,lomax,ils,prok,brhc,nclc,matpc,iucpub,tgmi TITLE: President greets visiting boy scouts. 1500 boy s)</span> |