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SOS Children in KosovoThere is an increasing number of vulnerable children and families in Georgia because of the continuing socio-economic problems. SOS Children in Georgia is focussing more of its work on prevention of child abandonment and on supporting vulnerable families. SOS Children works with other organisations such as a local state-run nursery school, which serves the local community and acts as a bridge to the community. We hope to be able to work in partnership with other local government and non government organisations, sharing our experiences and learning from others, as well as accessing possible financial partnerships with others. Within this programme we will be providing information about HIV/AIDS for children and their families.

SOS Children in Kosovo

In 2006, six years after the end of the civil war and the collapse of the social structure, Kosovo is still struggling to find the best way of establishing the right social system. This is also made worse by the uncertainty over the future political status of Kosovo and the poor socio-economic situation. With the highest unemployment rate in the region, about 70%, and a decreasing number of non-governmental organisations, Kosovo is faced with increasing poverty and need of support.

SOS Children has been working in Kosovo since 2000. Our reputation has increased rapidly and our projects are well-known through out Kosovo. There is an increasing amount of cooperation with local organisations to meet the growing needs of local communities.

In 2007 two Family Programmes were started in Kosovo, near the SOS Children's Village Pristina, in cooperation with the local authorities. The aim of the programme is prevent children from being abandoned. This will be done by working with families helping them to care for their children and to ensure that the children grow up in an environment where their needs are met and rights respected. We also hope to build awareness within the local community to create a supporting environment for orphaned, abandoned and destitute children.

One programme is based in Matiqan, one of Pristina's poorest districts. There is only one hospital and one school for a population of 7,000 Kosovar Albanians. One-third of the families in Matiqan rely on social welfare. The unemployment rate is around 80%. Domestic violence, child labour and gender discrimination are all increasing.

Most of the families that SOS Children is helping are one-parent families, some of whom are child-led because the parents are unable to care for their children. Some of these families survive on as little as £25 per month. The main focus of the programme is to develop the parents’ skills and to support the educational development of their children.

The second programme is located in Gracanica, south of Pristina, where the population is mainly Serbian. Since 1999, the people of Gracanica have led secluded lives behind barbwire fences protected by KFOR troops [NATO forces in Kosovo]. They share the same living conditions as their Matiqan contemporaries and children have the same risk of being abandoned. In addition families have to cope with travelling restrictions and with isolation, which deprives them of many public services.

The programme in Gracanica was developing more slowly because of the travelling restrictions and bureaucratic delays. However, by word of mouth the programme has become well-known and eagerly-awaited among the needy families. "The programme gives wide possibilities to act," says Ana, the social worker in charge of the Gracanica programme. "The isolation and the poverty constantly increase the psycho-social needs of the families here."

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