Symbols |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
G |
H |
I |
J |
K |
L |
M |
N |
O |
P |
Q |
R |
S |
T |
U |
V |
W |
X |
Symbols and Numbers
- /2 constant
: Math.SQRT1_2
- constant
: Math.SQRT2
- & (bitwise and) operator
: Bitwise And...
- && (logical and) operator
- Miscellaneous Differences
- Logical And...
- &{} for entities
- Core Language Changes
- JavaScript Entities
- ' (apostrophe)
- String Literals
- Escape Sequences in String Literals
- * (multiplication) operator
: Multiplication (*)
- \ (backslash)
: Escape Sequences in String Literals
- != (inequality) operator
: Inequality (!=)
- ! (logical not) operator
: Logical Not (!)
- [] (brackets)
- Arrays
- Array and Object Access Operators
- for...in
- Objects as Associative Arrays
- Reading and Writing Array Elements
- Conversions to Objects
- ^ (bitwise exclusive or) operator
: Bitwise Xor (^)
- , (comma) operator
- The Comma Operator (,)
- for
- {} (curly braces)
- Compound Statements
- function
- $ (dollar sign)
: Identifiers
- . (dot) operator
- Array and Object Access Operators
- Reading and Writing Object Properties
- Arrays in Navigator 2.0
- Conversions to Objects
- XX_DQUOTE_XX (double quote)
: String Literals
- = (assignment) operator
- Equality (==)
- Assignment Operators
- The assign() Method
- combined with operations
: Assignment with Operation
- == (equality) operator
: Equality (==)
- > (greater than) operator
- Greater Than (>)
- String Operators
- >= (greater than or equal) operator
- Greater Than or Equal (>=)
- String Operators
- >> (shift right with sign) operator
: Shift Right with Sign (>>)
- >>> (shift right zero fill) operator
: Shift Right Zero Fill (>>>)
- - (minus) operator
: Subtraction (-)
- - (negation) operator
: Unary Negation (-)
- -- (decrement) operator
: Decrement (--)
- < (less than) operator
- Less Than (<)
- String Operators
- <!-- --> (comment tags)
- Comments
- Hiding Scripts from Old Browsers
- <= (less than or equal) operator
- Less Than or Equal (<=)
- String Operators
- << (shift left) operator
: Shift Left (<<)
- () (parentheses)
- Functions
- Objects
- Operator Precedence
- Function Call Operator
- Defining and Invoking Functions
- % (modulo) operator
: Modulo (%)
- | (bitwise or) operator
: Bitwise Or (|)
- || (logical or) operator
- Miscellaneous Differences
- Logical Or (||)
- + (plus/concatenate) operator
- Strings
- Addition (+)
- String Operators
- Conversions to Strings
- Workarounds for Navigator 2.0
- ++ (increment) operator
: Increment (++)
- ?: (conditional) operator
: The Conditional Operator (?:)
- ; (semicolon)
- Optional Semicolons
- Statements
- XX_SQUOTE_XX (single quote)
: String Literals
- / (division) operator
: Division (/)
- // (comment marker)
: Comments
- /**/ (comment markers)
: Comments
- ~ (bitwise not) operator
: Bitwise Not (~)
Symbols |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
G |
H |
I |
J |
K |
L |
M |
N |
O |
P |
Q |
R |
S |
T |
U |
V |
W |
X |