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- LANGUAGE attribute
- Exploring JavaScript
- The LANGUAGE Attribute
- The LANGUAGE Attribute
- lastIndexOf()
- lastIndexOf()
- String.lastIndexOf()
- lastModified property
- Document Properties
- Document.lastModified
- Latin-1 encoding
- Escape Sequences in String Literals
- String Operators
- <LAYER> tags
: Dynamic HTML
- length
- array
- Creating Arrays
- Array Length Property
- limits on code lines
: Line length limit
- string
: Strings
- length property
- for anchors[] array
: The Anchor Object
- for Array object
: Array.length
- for arrays
: Array Length Property
- for History object
- The History Object
- History.length
- for JavaArray object
: JavaArray.length
- for Select element
- Forms and Form Elements
- Select.length
- for String object
: String.length
- for Window object
: Window.length
- for Navigator 2.0
: Arrays in Navigator 2.0
- for strings
: Strings
- less than (<) operator
- Less Than (<)
- String Operators
- less than or equal (<=) operator
: Less Than or Equal (<=)
- less than or equal(<=) operator
: String Operators
- lifetime
- cookie
: Syntax of the Set-Cookie HTTP Respo...
- cookies
: An Overview of Cookies
- variable
: Window and Variable Lifetime
- limits on size, Navigator 2.0
: Line length limit
- line breaks (see whitespace)
- line length limit
: Line length limit
- LINK attribute
: Document Properties
- Link object
- The Link Object
- Link
- Link.hash
- Link.host
- Link.hostname
- Link.href
- Link.onclick()
- Link.onmouseout()
- Link.onmouseover()
- Link.pathname
- Link.port
- Link.protocol
- Link.search
- target property
: Link.target
- link()
: String.link()
- linkColor property
- Document Properties
- Document.linkColor
- links
: The Link Object
- color of
- Document.alinkColor
- Document.linkColor
- Document.vlinkColor
- colors for
: Document Properties
- onMouseOut()
- The Link Object
- Ignore the Problem
- onMouseOver()
- Status and defaultStatus
- The Status Line
- The Link Object
- selecting by random
: The Link Object
- links[] property
- The Link Object
- Document.links[]
- literals
- Literals
- comparing
: Equality (==)
- string (see string literals)
- Live3D plug-in
: Live3D
- LiveAudio plug-in
: LiveAudio
- LiveConnect
- LiveConnect Bugs
- LiveConnect
- Interact with Applets
- LiveConnect: JavaScript and Java
- data conversion
- LiveConnect Data Conversion
- Data Conversion
- LiveVide plug-in
: LiveVideo
- LiveWire
: Server-Side JavaScript
- ln10 constant
: Math.LN10
- ln2 constant
: Math.LN2
- LoadScene()
: Live3D
- local variables
- Variable Declaration
- var
- Variable Scope
- Location object
- The Location Object
- Control the Browser
- The Location Object
- Location
- Location.hash
- Location.host
- Location.hostname
- Location.href
- Location.pathname
- Location.port
- Location.protocol
- Location.reload()
- Location.replace()
- Location.search
- location property
- Document Properties
- Document.location
- for Document object
: The Location Object
- for Window object
- The Location Object
- Window.location
- location.href property
: Window.open() method
- log()
: Math.log()
- log2e constant
: Math.LOG2E
- loge constant
: Math.LOG10E
- logical operators
: Logical Operators
- looking up variables
: with
- loops
: while
- for/in statement
- Miscellaneous Differences
- Exploring JavaScript
- for...in
- Objects as Associative Arrays
- The JavaScript Name Space
- infinite
- Infinite Loops in JavaScript
- Security Hobbles in Navigator 3.0
- lowsrc property
- Other Image Properties
- Image.lowsrc
- Lynx browser
: Hiding Scripts from Really Old Browsers
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