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WOW Lesson Plans

World Orphan Week is not just a chance to have fun and dress up while making a difference, but also an opportunity for pupils to learn more about the issues facing children in other parts of the world. You can find the following fun and interactive lesson plans available to download for free to make WOW educational. Here is also a summary of the lesson plans in PDF format.

India(KS 2-3 and KS4 and above). This lesson is available in two versions. For the younger ones, it introduces India followed by an activity to examine the pupils own attitudes towards child labour. Pupils are also asked to think about ways to stop child labour. The lesson also introduces pupils to the situation of a family helped by SOS Children’s Villages in India. For the older age group, the lesson also includes a role play activity, where pupils are allocated roles to re-enact a discussion about child labour in a small community in India, which will make them see that there are many sides to this problem. The whole lesson plan can be downloaded from here India Lesson Plan (Zip file of PDFs), or you can select the parts of the plan you would like from the list below:

The rights of the child – Senegal (KS 2-3). This lesson encourages pupils to think of which rights they have, and which rights children living on the street in Senegal are denied. Using flashcards, they will develop their team work skills in groups by dividing the cards in to groups of things they agree they want and need. Finally, the lesson introduces the SOS Children’s Village in Louga, Senegal, which gives pupils an opportunity to understand that children elsewhere can have access to the same rights as children in the UK, even if they are orphaned or abandoned. A Zipped file of the whole plan is available to download. Individual parts of the lesson plans in PDF format, except for the photograph which is a JPG, can be downloaded here:

Child soldiers – Uganda (KS 4 and above). This lesson teaches pupils about Uganda in eastern Africa. It introduces the topic of child soldiers, and lets pupils imagine what it would be like to be child soldiers by engaging them in a group activity based on real stories by child soldiers. The lesson also encourages discussion around what we can do here in the UK to stop the use of child soldiers. It uses examples and photos of the work of SOS Children’s Village in Gulu, northern Uganda, to show how former child soldiers are re-integrated in to their communities. A Zipped file of the whole plan is available to download. Individual parts of the lesson plans in PDF format, except for the photograph which is a JPG, can be downloaded here:

HIV/AIDS – Malawi (KS 4 and above). This lesson teaches pupils about the origin of the HIV virus, and how the spread of the virus affects the Malawian society. It uses group work to let pupils imagine what it would be like to work for SOS Children’s Villages in Malawi, and which situations they would face working with HIV/AIDS affected people there. It also introduces how HIV/AIDS affects the society and the economy in ways different to other diseases. A Zipped file of the whole plan is available to download. Individual parts of the lesson plans in PDF format can be downloaded here:

Build a Children’s Village – Angola (pre-school, KS1-3). This lesson uses illustrations to encourage pupils in groups to think of how they’d like a children’s village to be. Listening to instructions read out by the teacher, they get to ‘create’ their own children’s village in Angola using flashcards with illustrations. The end of the lesson is an opportunity to look at what a real village looks like. A Zipped file of the whole plan is available to download. Individual parts of the lesson plans in PDF format, except for the photograph which is a JPG, can be downloaded here:

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